Drylining Services
Dry lining or drywall is a generic term used to describe covering internal walls with plasterboard.
There are two principal methods of drylining. The first is where plasterboard is stuck directly on to the blockwork or concrete walls using a mix of plaster as adhesive called dot and dab. The second is where a secondary frame of either timber or steel which is attached to the structural walls is introduced and the plasterboard is fixed to this frame. Traditionally surfaces were covered with a wet sand and cement render or plaster.
Dry lining can be installed much more quickly, especially in the case where it is stuck to the block or concrete walls. Secondary fixings can be introduced for additional strengthening if required.
Dry lining is lighter than traditional wet sand and cement render or plaster which means that the finished construction is lighter and during construction less moisture is introduced into the building structure and site tidiness is more easily maintained.
Dry lining also allows greater flexibility in the selection and use of acoustic and thermal insulating materials. This is becoming increasingly more important in order to meet the demanding specifications of the Building Regulations and to conserve fuel and power and reduce end user costs.